Wednesday, July 10, 2019

God Bless America - Land that I Love

Hi, friends!

I know it has been years since I've posted on this blog, and a lot has happened in my life since 2014—including me and Jessica's wedding and the birth of our two children…nbd, ya know?  However, with Jess and the kids visiting family this weekend, I've found myself with more time than usual and wanted to start this up again.  Let’s give this another shot!

Having been away from my family this past week, yet still having had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend—just like I'm sure the rest of you did—I’ve decided to dedicate this special post to my beloved wife Jessica and to the country that I most love. (That’s right, the good ol’ US of A)

Why do I love the United States of America?

For many of you, I’m sure that answering why you love America so much is easy.  You may even feel that it’s unnecessary to explain why you love this country, because your love for runs so deep and comes so naturally.  But, have you ever sat down and actually asked yourself that question?  Why do you love the United States of America?  How would you articulate your love for this nation to someone that knows little to nothing about the USA?

I have made a lot of friends in Mexico and Latin America, and most of what they know about the United States either comes from the news, movies, or relatives that have lived in the US.  Trust me, what they gather from those things ain’t always pretty… but if I were genuinely asked to tell them why I love this country, this is what my genuine answer would be:

It’s not so much the movie stars, the sports stars, the well-organized infrastructure, or even the economic prosperity that makes America.  Those are nice things to have, but for me, it really comes down to the fundamentals.  And that foundation upon which everything else rests in this country comes straight from the Constitution of the United States.

It’s things like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and all other rights which God has intended man to have… that is what makes this country so great.

Since 1776, men and women of this country have fought and have died valiantly to preserve those God-given rights, just so that we could have a right to choose right or to choose wrong.  And because of these fundamental rights, each individual in this country has a chance to think and say anything they well please, even if it is critical to the very rights that grant them a voice.  Most importantly, these freedoms allow us, the citizens of this country, to uplift and inspire our peers and family members around the world to do good and to serve in their own communities, meaning that we too, like the soldiers who fought, can serve others and defend that which we believe to be right and sacred.

America is not perfect—not in any way, shape, or form.  It will always be run by imperfect people.  (News flash:  We’re all imperfect).  In fact, the only time there will ever exist a perfect nation or government will be when Jesus comes again to rule and reign upon the Earth. (Rev. 20:4).  Nonetheless, the United States of America is the very first nation to instill individual freedoms in its very existence, and these freedoms have allowed its people to do much good in the world.  Since then, other nations have followed.

You know I’m a proud Texan, born and raised.  I love my home state.  If you ask me, there’s no better state out there than Texas.

You know I love Mexico.  I love its people, its culture, its food, its heritage, and so many other things about it.  Let’s not forget that I married into a Mexican family.

But above all of the nations and states, I love the USA and what it stands for.  God bless the USA.

The Special Day of this Month – July 17th

As special as July 4th is, my family and I have marked July 17th as the most special day of this month.  In all other years, Independence Day is usually the highlight of July, but this year, something even more American than a 4th of July celebration will be occurring for us.

“What could possibly be more American than a 4th of July celebration,” you ask?

How about… becoming an American Citizen!

That’s right, on July 17th, this girl right here, my wifey—after a long, hard journey of immigrating to the US, learning to speak perfect English, paying her own bills to become the first in her family to attend and graduate a US college (debt free), becoming a permanent resident green card holder, jumping through several more hoops in the process, and ultimately passing the US Citizen’s exam—will go through the much-anticipated naturalization ceremony and swearing in to become a citizen of the United States of America!

When I think back on my own heritage, I think of my ancestors who had the courage to leave behind the only life they knew, experience fatigue in travel, battle illness along the way, and suffer a long voyage over the Atlantic Ocean on a cramped, wooden boat to arrive and become citizens of this country.  They all came from Denmark, England, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, and many other countries, but they all had one thing in common:  they desired freedom for their children—their children like me.  How grateful I am for my ancestors that made the sacrifices that they did, all for my freedom and well-being!

Yet, as I’ve watched Jessica go through her own journey to citizenship, I’ve seen her go through her own numerous, challenging sacrifices in the present day.  Despite having been a US Citizen all of my life, in 2015 I knew little to nothing about the process that one has to go through to become a permanent resident, much less a naturalized citizen.  Now, having helped her in this process for our four years of marriage—yet but a portion of her journey—I now know that, regardless of how genuine and strong one’s desire is to become a US Citizen and pledge his/her loyalty solely to this country, it is a long, difficult, complicated process.  Yet, there is no one more deserving, nor more excited to officially become a citizen of this country than she is.

Congratulations, my love!  I am so proud of you.  You’ll be the best American that anyone could be.

God Bless America, folks, and God bless all of you.

Until the next time, my friends!

Christian Hutchinson.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A jump, a seed, and something much-needed.

You know, sometimes the inner missionary in me just gets really excited and wants to stand on a podium and just shout for joy to the whole world like in this picture above.  However, the only audience that I actually as this picture was taken was my own companion, Elder Hochkirch, who was holding simply the camera, and as dramatic as I tried to make my pose look, we rarely ever did something like this.  Man, I look cool, though!!  Yesterday, I heard a truly inspiring devotional like we usually do every Tuesday at 11:00 am at BYU.  It got me so excited, that I was considering busting out the comb to sport the missionary part again.  Oh, yeah, I know you'd love that, Mom!  I didn't though.  However, I always love making connections with people of all other faiths, and since the Elder Hutchinson within me is feeling a giddy as and excited as a dog is over a piece of bacon, I've decided to touch a little bit on something that all people of all beliefs (including Atheists) know something about.


Let’s talk about what many people know as the first principle of the Gospel:  faith.  Faith, that’s easy!  That’s just believing in something that we can’t see!  Hold on, partner, that’s only part of it.  I hope that we all have faith in God in that aspect.  We can’t see him, but we have faith that he exists and that he loves us.  If you can believe, or even just have a desire to believe, it's a good start.

BUT faith isn’t just believing.  In fact, that’s not even HALF of it.  It’s also DOING.  James 2:17 “Even so, faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”  What does that mean?  I’ll give you an example.  If I have faith that I can get a job, I will LOOK for a job.  If I have faith that my children can be respectable human beings, then I will teach them to be respectable human beings.  If I have faith in God, I will do what He commands me.  If I have faith that I can get an A on a test, then I will STUDY ENOUGH for the test to get an A.  (Note to all college students:  have you opened that textbook yet?)  In the Book of Mormon, there is a chapter, Alma 32, where the prophet Alma compares faith to a seed:  we need to plant the seed, nourish the seed, over a long period of time so that it may grow.  Now what happens if it’s a good or “true seed”?  Well, it grows and we find joy in it.  And if it’s a bad seed or and "untrue seed", it simply doesn’t grow no matter how well we’ve taken care of it.  But what if we don’t nurture the seed over time, or what happens if we don’t even plant it?  Well, we can believe that that seed is going to healthily and happily grow all by itself, but without our nourishment, care, or action (in other words actually DOING something), it never will.

So, let’s act people!!  “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23)  Yes, you read the scripture right that said that “all things are possible”; it was Jesus who said it, not Barney, so I believe we should take his word for it.  You can literally do anything with the Lord’s help if you have enough faith.  What kind of things?  Let’s think of some really simple things that one can accomplish this:  becoming a doctor, raising 5 children in one house all at the same time, going from poverty to becoming a multi-millionaire, going from being completely filthy of the most heinous of sins to becoming a clean angel in the Lord’s eyes, mending a relationship or marriage that has gone southward, and overcoming a learning disorder to become a straight A student.  Ok, Christian, why don’t you add parting the Red Sea, and feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to that “simple” list of yours?  Ok, I will!  These are clearly extremely difficult tasks, but what else do they all have in common?  They have all been accomplished by people that I either personally know or that I know of (AKA Moses and Jesus).  And they all were accomplished not by magic, but by faith.

How can I have faith in something that I don’t know?  I might want to be a doctor, but I don’t know if it’s right.  That’s the thing; you can’t have that knowledge until you have exercised your faith. (Alma 32:26-34).  Can you know if a cake tastes good without trying it?  Have some faith!  Take a good-sized bite out of the cake (not a tiny nibble) and see if it’s good.  If you like it, have some more.  You’ll never know until you actually put it to the test.  For example, as many can already see, I’ve been making references to two different testaments of Christ: the Bible and The Book of Mormon.  Yes, I believe that they are both true, but the only reason that I can say that is because I read them and put them both to the test.  Had I not read the Book of Mormon or the Bible, and prayed about them sincerely and diligently to know if they were true, could I even say that I knew that they were true?  Coming to a conclusion on something that I haven’t tested myself is about as intelligent as flipping a coin to decide who I should vote for to be the President of my country (no offense to any of you that have possibly done that).  So, if you don’t know if something if right but it’s at least worth a shot, GIVE IT a shot.  Don’t be a bird that never learns to fly because he’s too timid to take a leap.

"If you are persistent, you will succeed." -Thomas S. Monson  
Speaking from what I observed since being a missionary, I believe that true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is one the rarest Christlike attributes to find these days.  Don't get me wrong; I think that most people actually have a rather solid belief in something divine, and I know several people from many other religions who have extraordinary level faith in God that I would love to have myself.  But most of us tend to do more believing than actually acting upon the beliefs that we claim.  The days of Isaiah’s profecies have unfortunately come: “Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me…” (Isaiah 29:13).  In other words, in the world, there’s a whole lot of talking but very little walking.  This is a pretty scary thing because faith one of the most crucial requirements to enter His kingdom.  We can’t just “be good” and we’ll automatically be saved.  “Being good” is important for God AND Santa Clause, but the difference is that Santa doesn’t expect as much as God does.  He asks us to have faith in Him and in all that is good and true.  “For by grace are ye saved through faith…” (Ephesians 2:8).

But why is it so rare these days?  What keeps so many of us, including myself, from having the faith that we should?  To every good thing there is it’s opposite.  To God, His opposite is the devil.  And to faith, its opposites are doubt and fear.  But can doubt and fear really impede one from experiencing greater happiness or are they just natural feelings that we all feel?  Yes...  They are just natural feelings, and yes they CAN impede us from experiencing greater happiness.  Let me share a personal experience from my mission with you as an example.

As missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we teach God’s commandments and the commitments that one must make before joining the church through baptism.  One of the requirements is to commit to regularly pay a full tithe to the Lord (10% of income) as explained in Malachi 3 in the Old Testament.  My companion and I were teaching a “golden family”.  They were all amazing people, they new that everything we taught them was true, and they had such an eager desire to join the church and be baptized.  However, when we taught the law of the tithe, fear and doubt crept in to hedge up this family’s spiritual progression.  From then on, instead of thinking of the blessings that would come from paying tithing or from joining the church, they focused on their fears of losing 10% of their income.  Instead of becoming happier and happier every time we taught them, they became sadder and sadder because they could not keep their focus off of their doubts.  It’s quite understandable that they had some fears and doubts.  They were a beautiful family, but they lived in very humble circumstances.  Not everyone can seamlessly give up 10% of their income just like that.  However, we explained to them that the Lord will ALWAYS provide for those that follow this law, even if it seems impossible to keep it.  He says “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the window of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:10)  My companion and I told them of countless true stories in which we saw the Lord fulfill this VERY promise.  We gave our personal testimonies of the truth of God’s promises.  We even promised them as representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ that the Lord would never leave them without what they needed if they simply chose to obey this law and come unto him.  God has never broken a promise, and He never will.  However, fear and doubt can win over even the best of people.  This beautiful family chose not to exercise the faith necessary to receive the abundant blessings that could have been.  We stopped seeing them, so much, and I don't know what has happened since.  They didn’t even give paying tithing a legitimate chance.

I’m not a crying man for the most part (although Remember the Titans gets to me), but I tell you that I can only remember one thing that has consistently broken my heart: when I know with a surety how happy someone can be doing one thing, and he or she chooses not to do that thing because of a fear and doubt...  I mean, I’m a pretty outgoing, energetic, excited guy, so it’s not easy to get me down.  But it's easy for this to break my heart.  It is something that I saw too many times during my mission, and I have unfortunately continued to see it happen after my mission.  These are good, righteous people.  Most of them are quite virtuous, loving, and humble… but they lack ONE essential thing:  faith.  These people could be SO HAPPY doing something more, but they are too scared to because the father of lies and misery fools them into not even planting that seed of faith or to stop taking care of it.  If he continues to succeed with these people, then their seed will eventually die just like all faith and hope.  You cannot have faith or exercise it without planting that seed and taking a “leap of faith.”  A wise prophet named Moroni once said, “Wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”  That “trial of your faith,” ladies and gentlemen is the uncertain leap that you have to take in order to succeed.  One of the people closest to God that I’ve ever met is my mission president’s wife.  She told me once about how she was faced with a matter where she was just completely uncertain how to react.  She said looking back on the matter, “I took my leap and have been happy ever since.  Yes, there were some bumps and have been since, but He has always taken care of me… I know we have to leap and leap often. There have been so many leaps in my life, and they are all the building blocks in my beautiful life.  You will never learn how to trust God, yourself, or anyone until you do this.”

With faith, the fear goes away.

So faith.  Easy, right?  It may be simple:  believing and doing.  But it is NOT easy to have.  I don’t know what your personal circumstance may be...  Maybe you just need a little more faith so that you can get an A in your classes.  Maybe you don’t know if God exists and you just need the faith to ask Him if He’s there.  Maybe you were about to make a commitment to something good and true but became frightened or simply unsure at the sight of something, just like that wonderful family and tithing.  If you need to learn more about faith, I recommend you go to the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 32 to read about it.  And I leave you with a simple plea.  Please, have that faith.  Please, I beg of you.  The Lord says, “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”  (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).  I can promise that if you just have faith, it’s going to be all right.  Take whatever leap necessary in your life to accomplish what God would have you do.  You may be uncertain of what he actually does want you to do, but you’ll never know until you act.  After you take that first leap, if you pray everyday for his help and guidance, there is no way that you can fail without him catching you.  Just because you haven’t had faith before doesn’t mean that you can’t have it now.  You must act quickly.  You may not know what day it will be too late for you to try to develop your faith, but you DO know that you can act TODAY so that you have it BEFORE that dreadful day comes.  I join with Dieter F. Uchtdorf in saying, “Please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.”  Have faith, and the fear will go away.

Hope you have a great week!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Gratitude Week at the Telefund

So, I recently got a new job at the BYU Telefund, a branch of the organization BYU Philanthropies.  For those of you who are like me and have to look up the meaning of the word “philanthropies” in the dictionary, tells us that it means “altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes.”  (Just to be brief in its definition).  BYU Philanthropies is a really neat organization under the direction of the Presiding Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and it has an amazingly uplifting atmosphere!  So what do I do exactly?  I’m a caller.  That’s right, I am THAT GUY who calls you asking for money donations to the school and for funding need-based scholarships.  Yes, if you are a BYU alumni, I may be THAT GUY giving you a call for the millionth time from the university’s phone number because you haven’t answered yet because you don’t like answering numbers that you don’t recognize.  I know, don’t you love me more now?!...  Thank you so much if you have donated; you’re awesome!  If you can’t donate because of tight financial situations, it’s ok; I understand, and I hope that things start getting better.  And if we straight up do nothing but bug you sorry about that, but it’s all for a good cause, and if you can’t donate, there are no hard feelings J.

Anyway, as I said, the Telefund has an amazingly uplifting atmosphere.  At the beginning of every shift for the callers, we all get together and have quick spiritual devotional.  This week apparently is “Gratitude Week” at the Telefund, so all of the devotionals have mostly been based on gratitude.  Today I gave the devotional for first shift and read a short quote by Gordon B. Hinckley:

When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.

I then shared what I was grateful for in my life.  I found this exercise very refreshing, and the leaders at the Telefund encouraged us to share what we were grateful for in our lives on social media.  So, here’s my list!

1.    My parents.  My Mom and Dad are alike in many ways, but polar opposites in other ways.  People that I look exactly like my Dad but act exactly like my Mom, (which, if you’ve met the two before, you know is nothing to complain about).  They are the most influential people in my life and my greatest heroes and idols.  They raised me and continue to teach me so well, and I love them for it.  I’m so grateful for them.

2.     The rest of my family.  Zander, Rebecca, Kamille, Evan, Winston, Samantha, and even that guy out in Argentina who I used to always get into fights with, brotherly love style (Tanner).  I’m grateful that I’ll be with these guys forever.  I’m especially grateful that I can see Kamille, Evan, Grandpa, Grandma Hutch, and my cousins every week for a wonderful home-cooked meal!

3.     My friends.  I have the best friends.  Some are near; some are far; I have school friends, mission friends, old friends, new friends, friends in other countries, and even “special” friends if you know what I mean… ladies.  Whether or not these people that I love most (outside of the family) remain in my life forever may be out of my hands, but for me, they are truly what makes life worth living.  I love them all and I’m so grateful for them.

4.     My dog.  Meet Bevo.  No, he's not dead; he's just playing dead, and yes, he is named after the Texas Longhorn’s mascot.  Besides the fact that this dog is so ADHD (like myself) and quirky that he can be an entertainment just by watching him chase around shiny things, it’s also good to have a dog just because sometimes he’s the only one that understands you.  He’s in Pennsylvania, so I don’t have him now, but I miss him and am grateful for him.

5.     My roommates.  I actually haven’t needed a dog these two semesters even on the toughest of days, because of Ryan, Taylor, and Jordan.  Thanks so much for being there for me, guys.  I couldn’t ask for more support than what I’ve already received from y’all.  Also, I’m a fan of our late-night-roomy dance parties, mandates, Risk wars, and woman talks.

6.     My mission.  Elder Holland, an apostle, once stated “my mission meant everything to me.”  Amen to that, brother!  President Villarreal and his wife Myrna not only helped me for two years, but they continue to be an inspiration and personal help to me.  Also, I met so many young, inspiring men that have helped mold me into a more complete person.  And I can’t forget the people that were moved by Christ’s message when I brought it to them in Mexico and who joined the church.  Many of these wonderful people will claim that I converted them, but really it was God.  And if you ask me, it was the experience of watching their conversions that really converted ME.  I’m so grateful for my mission.

7.     Music.  Dear anyone who has ever lived with me:  you already know this.  Dear future wife: I love music, and I sing in the shower, at the steering wheel, and pretty much everywhere else at all hours of the day.  Please, learn to love it, or invest in some really thick earmuffs to block out the sound if you can’t.  Music makes me happy, and if I can sing something well, then it makes me happier.

8.     My new job.  This is the first time that I have ever had a job while going to school and my first one that doesn’t involve some kind of yard work.  Although there are up days and down days even at the Telefund, I just feel so much more responsible and fulfilling with this in my life.  I thank Heavenly Father for helping me get this job, and I’m grateful that I don’t have a job that involves being outside in the heat of Texas or the cold of Utah all the time.

9.     Basketball.  Anytime I don’t feel like doing homework, college and pro basketball has been there.  Not mention that March Madness is coming up!!!  OK, it’s still not for two months, but we have to have something to look forward to here at BYU since there’s no spring break!

10. The Holy Ghost.  John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”  Yesterday morning I was driving home from the temple with my music off just reflecting on life.  Those moments of silence where you can and just sit and converse with God are so important.  I was thinking about where I would be and in what direction I would be going without His constant help.  I might still be here at BYU, but there are many decisions that I’ve had to make in my life (including more recent ones) that have been pretty tough.  Without this Comforter who can literally teach me “all things” guiding me, I know that I would have made some pretty rational and bonehead decisions.  Even when I don’t understand why he tells me to do something, I have gained a testimony and a certainty that whenever I feel in my heart and my mind that something is right I must continue with full confidence in the path that He has shown me.  Ever since receiving the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands after my baptism, I have had this to keep me in the correct path, and I’m especially grateful for it today.

Your turn

What are YOU grateful for?  I want you leave as many comments as you want telling me about the things that you are grateful in your life, whether you’re a close friend or a complete stranger!  Write down what you are grateful for, and you’ll know why it feels so refreshing!

¡Hasta luego!